Exploring Innovative Early Programs: Elevating Family Voices in Policy Decisions
Our first blog in the “Exploring Innovative Early Programs” series focuses on the Parent Cabinet, a pioneering effort designed to ensure parents have a direct voice in shaping the policies that impact their children’s future. In service of its mission to “partner with families of young children to advance equitable early childhood policies,” the Connecticut Department of Early Childhood (OEC) established a statutory statewide advisory committee known as the Connecticut Early Childhood Parent Cabinet. This diverse, parent-led committee meets regularly to elevate the needs of families and advise the agency …
Exploring Innovative Early Programs: Insights from our Partnership with the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood
Welcome to the “Exploring Innovative Early Programs” series, which focuses on our work with the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood. At Third Sector, we believe in a future where all children, no matter their race, background, or circumstances, have guaranteed access to high-quality early education and care programs to support their learning, growth, and development. In a society where early child care and education have historically been undervalued, many government agencies have stepped up to create programs that truly make a difference for children and families. Since 2017, we’ve had …
Recommendations for Designing Inclusive Stakeholder Engagement Processes for Systems Integration Lessons from Third Sector's Work with the California Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI)
Third Sector partnered with California’s Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI), a historic five-year investment that is transforming the way young people in California access behavioral health support. We offer several recommendations for other states looking to design inclusive stakeholder engagement processes and develop resources to address barriers to systems integration.
Third Sector to Support Four-State Cohort Building Inclusive Climate Workforce Initiatives
Third Sector, in partnership with the Families and Workers Fund, announced that it will support over the next 11 months a cohort of four states – Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota, and New Mexico – in designing workforce initiatives to build a pipeline of quality jobs in the climate and infrastructure sectors. Third Sector’s support is part of the Fund’s Powering Climate and Infrastructure Careers Challenge, which will support 14 awardees in total.
Inside California’s System Change Efforts to Address Homelessness: Four Recommendations for Other States Looking to Do the Same
For nearly two years, Third Sector advised the California Interagency Council on Homelessness (Cal ICH) on creating a more outcomes-focused culture for its staff and county partners. It is a shift that requires government staff to ask more about what happened after housing services were delivered (who was stably housed, when, and for how long) and which resources could be shared across departments (funding, data, and policies) within a specific time frame to serve constituents seeking services better.
Partnerships to Achieve Student Success National Cohorts Third Sector is Supporting States to Direct Public Dollars Toward Evidence-Based Support Services that Address Barriers to Postsecondary Education
The Opportunity Everyone, no matter their age, race, zip code, or previous educational background deserves to get the education and the career they want. And yet millions of Americans face significant barriers to enrolling, persisting, and completing postsecondary education and obtaining a credential – even as more and more of the best paying jobs require some kind of postsecondary education. At the same time, there are a variety of wraparound student support services and promising practices offered by providers across the country that have demonstrated success in improving outcomes for students …
Simplifying How We Save and Pay for Lifelong Learning A Path to Equity and Opportunity
We need our government to take action to simplify and streamline the structures and tools that help individuals fund lifelong learning. That’s why Third Sector is proposing a SIMPLE framework to help create a more streamlined approach to saving and paying for postsecondary education and job training that can provide clarity and ease for learners, workers, employers, and all those who care about ensuring these opportunities are accessible to everyone.
Third Sector and National Governors Association Select Four States to Expand SNAP E&T Programs
This month, Third Sector and The National Governors Association (NGA) have selected cross-sector teams from Idaho, Indiana, Minnesota, and North Carolina to participate in a project focused on helping governors expand employment and training opportunities in their states. Specifically, these four states will receive expert support and technical assistance to help them identify and address barriers to successfully and equitably implementing Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) programs in their states.
Launching and Maintaining Rural Sector Partnerships Six Lessons Learned from Implementing Rural Sector Partnerships
The six key lessons learned below come from 14 Rural Sector Partnership Leaders across 12 organizations and 26 rural sector partnerships in six states (CO, PA, WY, TX, LA, NC) as well as Third Sector’s own experiences and work to stand up these partnerships in Rural Central Texas.
Third Sector to Support Cuyahoga County in Designing A Continuum of Care To Reduce Juvenile Justice System-Involvement among Youth
Third Sector will launch a year-long project next month to co-design with Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) a county-wide continuum of care for youth (age 12-17) and their families involved with or at-risk of involvement with the Cuyahoga County juvenile justice system. The project builds on previous work that Third Sector, CWRU, and the County have done to improve family wellness and safety through county-wide system improvements and provide college access and success coaching services to National Guard service members in the region. It is a cornerstone of the County’s …
Third Sector to Support ARPA-H’s Recently Announced Health Care Rewards to Achieve Improved Outcomes (HEROES) Program
Earlier this month, the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) announced its Health Care Rewards to Achieve Improved Outcomes (HEROES) program, which will distribute $100 million to community stakeholders adopting “radically different approaches” to preventative health care in the United States. ARPA-H is a federal research funding agency that supports transformative biomedical and health breakthroughs in order to provide health solutions for all. Third Sector and Social Finance will utilize their deep experience and expertise in outcomes-based contracting and Pay for Success to provide strategic guidance and technical assistance …
Third Sector and U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Announce Four-State Cohort to Develop Lifelong Learning Account (LiLA) Pilots
This month, Third Sector and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation announced the selection of four state cross-sector teams in Indiana, Michigan, Tennessee, and Texas into the National Lifelong Learning Account (LiLA) cohort. Participants will design innovative LiLA pilots for their states, which will provide working people with access to education and training opportunities to grow, or build new careers. LiLAs are a new concept for financing education and training. These accounts enable individuals to get the education, upskilling to deepen existing skills in a chosen field, and/or re-skilling to …
Third Sector and National Governors Association to Expand SNAP E&T Programs
This month, Third Sector will launch a new project with the National Governors Association (NGA) and Seattle Jobs Initiative (SJI) to identify and address statewide barriers to successfully and equitably implementing Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) to increase the number of third-party SNAP E&T providers in 8-10 states. SNAP E&T is a federal program each state administers to help SNAP recipients gain skills and find work that moves them toward economic mobility. While every state is required to administer a SNAP E&T Program, they employ many different …
“Education is the one thing that can’t be taken from you…” A Fireside Chat with Third Sector Client Dr. Cynthia Armendariz, Managing Director of the Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative
Third Sector values deep and authentic relationships – amongst our staff as well as with our partners and clients. We had an opportunity to reflect on these relationships during our Spring 2023 Retreat where we focused as a team on “Why we do the work.” It was a privilege to welcome our long-time client, Dr. Cynthia Armendariz, Managing Director of the Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative, to the retreat for a conversation with Alysha Alani, our Director, Economic Mobility, about her expertise in the college access and success field and her experience working with …
Prioritizing Peers with Lived Experience to Address the Behavioral Health Workforce Crisis
As the demand for behavioral health treatment skyrockets alongside rising staff vacancy rates, behavioral health agencies are facing a true crisis in building enough capacity to meet the need. After an extensive literature review and working with more than a dozen behavioral health agencies, Third Sector believes one of the most strategic shifts agencies can make to confront this crisis is to invest heavily in roles for individuals with lived experience, known as peers. Increasing peer positions and expanding peer responsibilities not only provides necessary staffing capacity, but is also …
Cuyahoga County Council Approves National Guard PFS Contract
On December 6, the Cuyahoga County Council in Ohio unanimously approved a three-year Pay for Success (PFS) contract that will provide college access and success coaching services to National Guard service members in the Cleveland Metropolitan area and surrounding areas who are looking to obtain a higher education credential that furthers their career aspirations. Since 2019, Third Sector has been working with the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) and Cuyahoga County’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to improve enrollment, persistence, and completion outcomes for Ohio National Guard …
Third Sector joins teams in Massachusetts and Texas to implement workforce programs through the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Good Job Challenge
Third Sector Capital Partners (Third Sector) is excited to join two multi-sector teams in Massachusetts and Texas to implement transformative workforce programs that will secure good jobs for more than 1,600 people. This is part of a larger initiative by the Department of Commerce to build and expand regional workforce development systems in critical sectors. Together with our partners in Texas and Massachusetts, we will build sectoral partnerships that help employers identify the working people they need while also equipping job seekers, specifically people from underserved and historically marginalized communities, …
Rethinking Step Down: The Next Step in Transforming Mental Health Services
At Third Sector, our mission is to transform our government agencies’ ability to serve everyone in our communities, no matter their race, background, or circumstance. And one of the most exciting and challenging things about this work is how trying to solve one set of problems reveals some other challenges we might not have understood in the same way. This is particularly true in the work we’ve been doing over the last five years in California to transform how nine counties in the state are serving and supporting tens of …
Three States Join Nationwide Partnership to Advance Adult Higher Education Attainment
Alabama, Michigan, and Rhode Island have joined the Partnerships to Achieve Student Success (PASS) cohort of states that are envisioning a future in which adult learners, many of whom have some college education but no degree, obtain a credential or a degree that will help them to build a career of their dreams. Everyone, no matter their age, race, zip code, or educational background deserves to get the education and the career they want. And more than ever, the best paying jobs require some kind of post-HS education, whether that’s …
Too Many States Aren’t Ready to Launch 988, the New National Crisis and Suicide Prevention Hotline
In less than six months, a new mental health crisis and suicide prevention number, 988, will go live nationwide. This new tool could provide people in crisis with a number to access trained counselors who can help immediately. But right now, most states are not as prepared as they should be. Unless states act now, the current patchwork of crisis response numbers and hotlines could get even more complicated, which means that states may not be able to provide support to everyone as the law intended. In 2020, Congress passed …