Webinars: PFS in Higher Education National Cohort

PFS in Higher Education National Cohort Final Presentations

Dec. 11, 2019

With support from the Kresge Foundation, Arizona State University, Colorado Department of Higher Education, Connecticut State Colleges & Universities, and the Ohio Department of Higher Education participated in six-months of training and technical assistance to explore how Pay for Success (PFS) financing can be leveraged to fund wraparound student support services to improve higher education outcomes. This webinar celebrates their achievements and highlights some reflections from the effort. Additionally, Roger Low, the Policy Director at America Forward, offers some remarks about the Fund for Innovation and Success in Higher Education (FINISH) Act, the broader PFS movement, and the promises higher education holds in leading in an outcomes-focused environment to drive equity, evidence, and the achievement of measurable outcomes.

Download the PowerPoint slides from the webinar here.

Importance of PFS Pilots in Order to Launch PFS Projects

Dec. 3, 2019

This webinar gives an overview of the pilot and ramp-up phases in Pay for Success projects by sharing some of the common ‘course corrections’ pilots can inform, test, and support in project development. Oscar Benitez, a Director in Third Sector’s San Francisco office, will talk through some examples of pilots in both Alameda County, CA and Lane County, OR, and share how referral pathways, project enrollment, operational processes, and stakeholder relationships were refined during each pilot phase. At the end of the webinar, we share more about the potential benefits of developing a pilot in a PFS higher education initiative may be, and introduce the final PFS tool developed during the national cohort, a template PFS contract.

Download the PowerPoint slides from the webinar here.

Evidence-Based Services & Procurement Implications

Nov. 13, 2019

Co-hosted with MDRC, this webinar is designed to help cohort state/system sites and the provider advisory group members revisit the roles of evidence and evaluation in Pay for Success projects. MDRC’s Evan Weissman talks about ways to improve college access, persistence, and success for low-income and underprepared students by sharing evidence from several access and success approaches. On the webinar, Third Sector previews a template Request for Information tool, which is used to inform the procurement of services in a PFS project, and talks about how understanding the existing evidence base is a critical first step to procure for and contract with providers.

Download the PowerPoint slides from the webinar here.

Funding in PFS Projects

Oct. 30, 2019

This webinar is designed to help cohort state/system sites and provider advisory group members begin to understand monetary sources for outcomes payments in Pay for Success (PFS) projects as a way to plan for how project funding and costs affect project development. Third Sector will share examples from previous projects and preview how term sheets, as business agreements to set the terms of a multi-stakeholder negotiation, are used to document funding decisions in PFS projects.

Download the PowerPoint slides from the webinar here.

Pay for Success “101”

Oct. 22, 2019

This webinar provides an introduction to Pay for Success (PFS), shares an example from a launched project in Massachusetts, and talks about how PFS contracting can be leveraged in higher education. The intended audience for this webinar is the Provider Advisory Group in the PFS in Higher Education national cohort, but is designed to orient social service providers to PFS contracting.

Download the PowerPoint slides from the webinar here.

Exploring PFS with Student Support Services

Aug. 21, 2019

This webinar provides an introduction to Pay for Success (PFS), shares an example from a launched project in Massachusetts, and talks about how PFS contracting can be leveraged in higher education. The intended audience for this webinar is the Provider Advisory Group in the PFS in Higher Education national cohort, but is designed to orient social service providers to PFS contracting.

Third Sector co-hosted a webinar with college access and success providers, uAspire and College Forward, to share the provider perspective with the four higher education system and institution sites in the PFS in Higher Education national cohort. This webinar centers on the lessons learned from the two providers' PFS explorations and experiences.

To learn more about the members of the Provider Advisory Group, check out this article.

Request for Information: College Access and Success Providers

May 9, 2019

Third Sector hosted a second informational webinar aimed at college access and success providers about the Pay for Success in Higher Education national cohort, which provided additional details about how to inform the training and technical assistance opportunity for states and systems as well as information about how to submit to a Request for Information.

Download the PowerPoint slides from the webinar here.

Request for Information: States and Systems of Higher Ed

Apr. 25, 2019

Third Sector hosted an informational webinar about the Pay for Success in Higher Education national cohort on April 25th, which provided additional details about the training and technical assistance opportunity as well as information about how to apply.

Download the PowerPoint slides from the webinar here.

Please contact Sarah Walton if you are interested in learning more about the PFS in Higher Education National Cohort.

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