Our Approach to Economic Mobility

Most of us believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to build the life of our dreams — no matter what we look like, where we are from, or what our circumstances. But for too many of us, our dreams seem to be out of reach because our nation has created a racial wealth gap and inequitable opportunities to succeed.

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Our government agencies have created many programs and services to help address these problems and dismantle inequities and unjust systems. But despite our best efforts, we've created a complex, often confusing, system of public benefits, postsecondary education, and workforce training programs that fail to consistently deliver the long-term outcomes for individuals and families that will transform their lives for the better.

We envision a future where someone's worth and success in life are rooted in more than just the work that they perform, where we all collectively invest in everyone's aspirations no matter their race, background or circumstance, and everyone has the resources they need to thrive. This is a future where we eliminate racial wealth gaps by building multi-sector partnerships that promote everyone's well-being and ensure accessibility to free or affordable education and training opportunities that support the whole person and lead to jobs and careers that pay a living wage.

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Economic Mobility Focus Areas

We undertake work in economic mobility in the following ways

Program Improvement and Transformation

Transform SNAP E&T, TANF, WIOA, and apprenticeship systems to support individual and whole families' needs, increase retention, and advance long-term economic mobility outcomes, such as placement in quality jobs that pay a living wage.

Program Coordination

Collaborate on aligning program requirements, goals, and service delivery across workforce, education, and support services to improve access and achieve long-term economic mobility outcomes for people.

College Access and Success

Identify specific needs of historically underserved students (e.g., adult learners, student parents, and students of color) and implement program and policy solutions to support enrollment, persistence, and completion.

Funding Solutions

Design and deploy innovative funding mechanisms such as Lifelong Learning Accounts (LiLAs) and Pay for Success (PFS) contracts that enable and realign incentives for people, especially those experiencing the highest barriers, to improve access and success with workforce development and education services.

Featured Projects

Project NameScopeLocationStatus
Coordinating Employer-Driven Sector Partnerships to Strengthen Early Child Care Employment and Training in MassachusettsStateMAActive
Third Sector is working with the City of Boston's Office of Workforce Development, Community Advocates for Young Learners (CAYL) Institute, the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care, training partners, and workforce boards to build and strengthen sector partnerships in the field of early care and education. This effort will identify collaborators who will recruit, train, and place teachers in the Greater Boston area to scale up the pipeline to careers in early childhood education. This initiative is one of two projects awarded to Third Sector through the U.S. Department of Commerce's Good Jobs Challenge.
Utilizing Sector Partnerships to Strengthen Workforce Systems and Provide Good Jobs in Rural Central TexasCountyTXActive
Third Sector is working with Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area, Workforce Network, Inc., Smithville Workforce Training Center, training partners, and employers to build and strengthen sector partnerships in the skilled trades, health care, finance, and IT sectors. This effort will recruit, train, and place working people in seven rural counties in central Texas into quality jobs. This initiative is one of two Third Sector projects awarded funding through the U.S. Department of Commerce's Good Jobs Challenge.
Creating More Equitable Pathways to Well-Paying Health Care Jobs in Marin CountyCountyCAClosed
Third Sector is facilitating a design process with the Healthy Marin Partnership (HMP), a collaborative of Marin Country health care stakeholders, and training partners to develop an action plan for workforce system improvements. Through this initiative, the HMP and training partners will investigate challenges in achieving well-paying health care jobs and design solutions in collaboration with jobseekers and workers.
Supporting States to Direct Public Dollars Toward Evidence-Based Support Services that Address Barriers to Postsecondary EducationNationCO, AZ, OH, AL, RI, CT, MIActive
Since 2019, Third Sector has supported two cohorts of the Partnerships to Achieve Student Success (PASS), a group of state systems of higher education that aims to improve student outcomes to and through postsecondary education. Both cohorts focused on facilitating direct, outcomes-based, public funding relationships between state-level higher education partners and higher education access and success programs that would provide greater support in ensuring students enroll, persist and complete postsecondary education and earn a credential.

News & Insights

All Economic Mobility Projects

Project Name Scope Location Status
Coordinating Employer-Driven Sector Partnerships to Strengthen Early Child Care Employment and Training in Massachusetts State MA Active
Project Stage: Feasibility/Technical Assistance, Social Innovation Fund
Issue Area: Child Welfare, Health
Region: Midwest


Third Sector is working with the City of Boston's Office of Workforce Development, Community Advocates for Young Learners (CAYL) Institute, the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care, training partners, and workforce boards to build and strengthen sector partnerships in the field of early care and education. This effort will identify collaborators who will recruit, train, and place teachers in the Greater Boston area to scale up the pipeline to careers in early childhood education. This initiative is one of two projects awarded to Third Sector through the U.S. Department of Commerce's Good Jobs Challenge.
Utilizing Sector Partnerships to Strengthen Workforce Systems and Provide Good Jobs in Rural Central Texas County TX Active
Project Stage: Feasibility/Technical Assistance, Social Innovation Fund
Issue Area: Child Welfare, Health
Region: Midwest


Third Sector is working with Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area, Workforce Network, Inc., Smithville Workforce Training Center, training partners, and employers to build and strengthen sector partnerships in the skilled trades, health care, finance, and IT sectors. This effort will recruit, train, and place working people in seven rural counties in central Texas into quality jobs. This initiative is one of two Third Sector projects awarded funding through the U.S. Department of Commerce's Good Jobs Challenge.
Better Careers Design Group: Using Human-Centered Design to Advance Equitable Economic Outcomes in California County CA Closed
Project Stage: Feasibility/Technical Assistance, Social Innovation Fund
Issue Area: Child Welfare, Health
Region: Midwest


The Better Careers Design Group was a multi-year initiative across four California counties that brought together government agencies, nonprofits, and local community members to design  human-centered and outcomes-oriented solutions for systemic workforce challenges and to advance the equitable economic outcomes in California. Third Sector led the group of 20 participating organizations through each phase of the human-centered design process so that local teams could apply lessons learned to engaging members of their local community.
Creating More Equitable Pathways to Well-Paying Health Care Jobs in Marin County County CA Closed
Project Stage: Feasibility/Technical Assistance, Social Innovation Fund
Issue Area: Child Welfare, Health
Region: Midwest


Third Sector is facilitating a design process with the Healthy Marin Partnership (HMP), a collaborative of Marin Country health care stakeholders, and training partners to develop an action plan for workforce system improvements. Through this initiative, the HMP and training partners will investigate challenges in achieving well-paying health care jobs and design solutions in collaboration with jobseekers and workers.
Advancing Economic Mobility for MA DTA Participants State Closed
Project Stage: Feasibility/Technical Assistance, Social Innovation Fund
Issue Area: Child Welfare, Health
Region: Midwest


Supporting States to Direct Public Dollars Toward Evidence-Based Support Services that Address Barriers to Postsecondary Education Nation CO, AZ, OH, AL, RI, CT, MI Active
Project Stage: Feasibility/Technical Assistance, Social Innovation Fund
Issue Area: Child Welfare, Health
Region: Midwest


Since 2019, Third Sector has supported two cohorts of the Partnerships to Achieve Student Success (PASS), a group of state systems of higher education that aims to improve student outcomes to and through postsecondary education. Both cohorts focused on facilitating direct, outcomes-based, public funding relationships between state-level higher education partners and higher education access and success programs that would provide greater support in ensuring students enroll, persist and complete postsecondary education and earn a credential.
The Empowering Families Initiative State FL, CO, CT, IA, MA, NC Closed
Project Stage: Feasibility/Technical Assistance, Social Innovation Fund
Issue Area: Child Welfare, Health
Region: Midwest


In 2018, Third Sector partnered with six state and local government agencies with the goal of demonstrating how agencies could align social services for parents and social services for children to generate better outcomes using strategies such as innovative contracts and data-sharing agreements.
Casey Foundation: Youth & Young Adult Post-Secondary Success Nation National Active
Project Stage: Feasibility/Technical Assistance, Social Innovation Fund
Issue Area: Child Welfare, Health
Region: Midwest


Third Sector and The Annie E. Casey Foundation are working with states in the South and Southwest, among other communities, to address post-secondary education and workforce barriers for youth and young adults. We're working with committees comprised of state government agencies, workforce boards, and community colleges to develop new flexible and sustainable public funding plans for services that result in educational credential attainment, job placement, and/or wage progression for youth and young adults. Third Sector's work will integrate state data and various funding sources to empower state committees and meet community needs while addressing racial inequities and persistent barriers to postsecondary education and workforce services.
Engaged states include: Arkansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, and Virginia.  The engagement is supported by The Casey Foundation's Center for Economic Opportunity (CEO) and Research Evaluation Evidence and Design (REED).
UAspire Pay for Success Project Nation National Closed
Project Stage: Feasibility/Technical Assistance, Social Innovation Fund
Issue Area: Child Welfare, Health
Region: Midwest


Third Sector recently completed a PFS feasibility assessment designed to evaluate the appropriateness of PFS for higher education to help heighten the focus on and attainment of these outcomes. With generous support from the Kresge Foundation, we worked with uAspire, a national provider of college affordability and financial aid counseling serving primarily low-income and first-generation students, to develop a preliminary assessment of PFS in higher education. uAspire’s interest in PFS, as with many service providers, stemmed from a desire to find organizations who might be willing to pay for the delivery of their high-quality, evidence-based programming. — This project closed in 2017.
SIF Workforce: Austin County Austin/Travis County, TX Closed
Project Stage: Feasibility/Technical Assistance, Social Innovation Fund
Issue Area: Child Welfare, Health
Region: Midwest


Third Sector collaborated with Workforce Solutions Capital Area (Austin, TX) and the project’s Steering Committee to develop a model to better meet the talent pipeline needs of local employers and the workforce training needs of youth in Austin/Travis County. The project sought to improve education and employment outcomes for 16-to-24-year-olds that are disconnected from both school and work, known as Opportunity Youth. The project evaluated the opportunities and risks of scaling the highly successful Youth Employment Partnership program through a pay for performance contract.  This project closed in 2017.
Empowering Families – Massachusetts State Massachusetts Active
Project Stage: Feasibility/Technical Assistance, Social Innovation Fund
Issue Area: Child Welfare, Health
Region: Midwest


The Learn-to-Earn (LTE) Initiative is a large-scale interagency workgroup that was launched to improve coordination across state agencies and ultimately support individuals and families received public assistance move towards a path to self-sufficiency. The initiative focuses on five public assistance programs - the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program, State-Aid Public Housing, Temporary Assistance for Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and Subsidized Childcare. While the programs serve many of the same clients, misaligned eligibility requirements and structural disincentives to work limit agencies’ abilities to serve the whole person or family. Third Sector is supporting the initiative’s efforts to leverage administrative data to define statewide education, employment, and income outcomes and improve the agencies’ abilities to match individuals and families with the right mix of supports through the development of data use license agreements.
Expanded Subsidized Employment (ESE) Project State California Active
Project Stage: Feasibility/Technical Assistance, Social Innovation Fund
Issue Area: Child Welfare, Health
Region: Midwest


California Department of Social Services (CDSS) aims to help counties improve employment and life outcomes for families through the expanded subsidized employment (ESE) program. To identify challenges and best practices in implementation of ESE programs, as well as current outcomes, Third Sector interviewed county welfare departments, employers, workforce development boards, and other stakeholders. Third Sector then developed an ESE Toolkit in partnership with CDSS to help counties move programming, contracting, and data practices towards an outcomes orientation.
Lumina / Goodwill Excel Center Adult Charter School Feasibility State Indiana Active
Project Stage: Feasibility/Technical Assistance, Social Innovation Fund
Issue Area: Child Welfare, Health
Region: Midwest


The Goodwill Excel Centers (TEC) are a network of tuition-free adult charter schools that gives adult learners the opportunity to earn a high school diploma. TEC's program centers on providing flexibility for students, removing barriers, and supporting student pathways to postsecondary education and the workforce. The program offers childcare, life coaches, career certifications and college credits in order to help students navigate through the issues in their life and prepare them for successful careers or continued education. Since its inception in 2010, TEC has expanded from one school in Indiana to 18 across five states. Third Sector is working the TEC to assess the feasibility of leveraging PFS and outcomes-oriented contracting strategies to help TEC effectively and sustainably scale its impact and acclerate its expansion goals into multiple communities.
Empowering Families – Iowa State Iowa Active
Project Stage: Feasibility/Technical Assistance, Social Innovation Fund
Issue Area: Child Welfare, Health
Region: Midwest


Third Sector is working with Iowa's Department of Human Rights to move its Family Development and Self Sufficiency program towards an outcomes orientation. Work is being done to incorporate family voice into 2Gen related program changes and to rethink how different TANF systems interacte in order to better serve families.
Empowering Families – Colorado City Denver, CO Active
Project Stage: Feasibility/Technical Assistance, Social Innovation Fund
Issue Area: Child Welfare, Health
Region: Midwest


Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) administers critical resources and supports to thousands of Coloradans who struggle to afford basic living necessities. Many of these individuals also face steep barriers in obtaining the skills, training, and employment opportunities needed to achieve long-term self sufficiency and economic stability. Third Sector is partnering with CDHS to incorporate outcomes-oriented contracting principles within the Colorado Works Subsidized Training and Employment Program (CW STEP). Third Sector will work with CDHS and its partners to embed a focus on outcomes and financial incentives into the CW STEP contract and apply lessons learned across other contracts in the agency, with the goal of further enhancing the CDHS' existing culture of performance management and measurably improving long-term outcomes of parents, children, and families served.

Get in touch

Jessica Praphath

Jess Praphath

Managing Director, Economic Mobility
San Francisco, CA | jpraphath@thirdsectorcap.org
