Using Pay For Success to Improve Youth OutcomesA Review of Third Sector Capital Partner’s First Cohort of SIF Sub-Recipients
The following post originally appeared on America Forward’s Blog as a guest post.
Less than 10 years ago, the phrase Pay for Success was virtually unknown in most circles—particularly government circles. Though a seemingly simple concept, an approach to contracting for services where payments from governments (or other end-payers interested in supporting the achievement of measurable outcomes related to public programs) are linked to positive outcomes that have been measured and evaluated—Pay for Success is being tested, applied, and replicated at a rapid pace.
Contributing to the interest and uptake of Pay
Innovations in PFSUsing WIOA Pay for Performance to Improve Workforce Outcomes
This article originally appeared on the Living Cities’ blog as a part of their new series which celebrates the five year anniversary of their first PFS project, and shares reflections from them and their partners on new directions in PFS. For updates, follow their Pay for Success Newsletter.
Nearly one in every seven youth and young adults across the United States are neither employed nor in school. Nationwide, this amounts to approximately six million disconnected or “opportunity youth” who face barriers to employment, including limited community resources, low-performing schools, and inadequate assistance from
Evidence in ActionStrengthening Workforce Development through Pay for Performance
This article originally appeared on America Forward’s blog as a part of their Evidence in Action series. Follow along on Twitter with #EvidenceinAction and catch up on the series here.
Thanks to the persistence of social entrepreneurs across the country, every day we see strategies that are working and delivering results in a rapidly changing world. This Evidence in Action blog series highlights the voices of the more than 70 social innovation organizations that make up the America Forward Coalition, the results-driven solutions our community has for our country’s most pressing social
WIOA Pay-for-Performance is a Critical Tool for Equity and Opportunity
By Celeste Richie
Along with other critical support services, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and its embedded Pay-for-Performance (P4P) provisions are critical to advancing performance-based contracting and improving long-term outcomes for those served by the workforce system. Despite the appetite for a better life for all individuals, many workforce programs today are unable to deliver similar high-quality results across all of their participants. Recent analysis has demonstrated the need to increase equity of outcomes, not just increased access to services, and WIOA P4P could be an active tool in
How WIOA’s ‘Final Rule’ Moves Pay-for-Performance Forward
On June 30th, the Department of Labor (DOL) released the Final Rule1 on the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). As the five workforce boards of Third Sector’s second cohort of Social Innovation Fund sub-grantees are working to leverage the Pay-for-Performance (P4P) provisions of WIOA to better serve youth, this guidance directly informs our efforts. It is also important to note that WIOA requires local areas to shift their focus, spending 75 percent of youth funding on out-of-school youth. The DOL’s Final Rule on WIOA provides the necessary information to