Increasing Access, Quality, and Affordability of Early Care and Education through Systems Building and Change Management
Third Sector, BUILD Initiative, and The Ounce recently hosted a webinar with the Administration for Children and Family's Office of Child Care to discuss “Increasing Access, Quality, and Affordability of Early Care and Education through Systems Building and Change Management.” With 146 participants across 40 states and Washington DC, the webinar highlighted activities that states can engage in through their PDG B-5 grants to create a shared understanding and formalized coordination across agencies. Showcasing the journey of three states (Connecticut, Washington, and New York) and their lessons learned, this webinar outlined the tangible ways in which states can begin the process of systems change through manageable stages and sets of guiding principles. Third Sector is excited to engage with more states in the development and implementation of long-term goals; leveraging cross-agency collaboration to build a comprehensive system for children and families.